On Wednesday, October 31, the Motion Picture Association – Canada (MPA-C) and the FilmOntario Board were pleased to host an informational breakfast at Queen’s Park.
In keeping with the spirit of Halloween, MPPs, including Minister of Finance Vic Fedeli and Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport Sylvia Jones, were greeted by costumes from the Sawmovies and The Strain. The costumes were designed by Alex Kavanagh and Luis Sequiera and supplied by our friends at CAFTCAD.
Minister Jones gave brief remarks during the breakfast, as did MPP Jill Andrew, the NDP Critic for Culture. Later in the Legislature, with several FilmOntario members in the gallery, Minister Jones finished a question about the industry with the following: “we will continue to support the expansion of the film industry in Ontario”. This is good news for all of us, even as we continue to work with the government to demonstrate the financial impact of the screen-based sector in the province, and the importance of the film and television tax credits in maintaining and increasing that impact.