What’s New in Ontario
FilmOntario Meet at Greet at Queen’s Park is a Success
Thank you to everyone who attended FilmOntario’s meet and greet at Queen’s Park on Monday, March 2. FilmOntario members had the opportunity to interact with MPPs from all parties and highlight the economic impact of the film and television industry in Ontario. Production in Ontario reached an all-time high of $2.16 [...]
2020 Provincial Budget Consultations
The Province of Ontario has recently wrapped up consultations for the 2020 Provincial Budget. FilmOntario made submissions to the Ministry of Finance and the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs on behalf of our members. Our submission focused on: acknowledging the government’s commitment to stable tax credits, and the importance [...]
Minister MacLeod Speaks at FilmOntario Annual General Meeting
Thank you to all members who came out to the 2019 FilmOntario AGM. This year’s guest speaker, the Honourable Lisa MacLeod, gave a very energetic speech reiterating the government’s support for the industry and outlining plans to work together to continue growing the sector. During the business meeting, the membership received [...]
FilmOntario Releases New Video Showcasing Ontario’s Production Industry in 2019
FilmOntario is pleased to release a new video showcasing the strength of the film and TV production industry in Ontario. Featuring many high-profile productions, the video highlights the positive economic impact in the province in 2019 along with its substantial growth over the past 20 years.
Ontario’s Screen Industry Shines at #TIFF19
We are very excited to see a number of amazing Ontario productions featured in this year's Toronto International Film Festival! Ontario's film production industry is thriving, and we are proud of the range of films demonstrating The Strength of Our Screens at #TIFF19. Ontario productions screening at the 2019 Toronto International [...]
Ontario Provincial Budget Maintains Government Commitment to the Film and Television Tax Credits
FilmOntario is pleased to note the renewed commitment to providing stability and support for the film and television industry in Ontario in the 2019 Provincial Budget. This commitment to stability sends a clear message to our partners here at home and around the world that the province of Ontario is a [...]
FilmOntario Appears Before Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs
Representatives from FilmOntario appeared before the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs as part of their 2019 Provincial Budget Consultations. FilmOntario’s presentation focussed on jobs and investment created by the screen-based sector all across the province and the importance of stable and effective tax credits to the long-term growth of [...]
Graphic: Nordicity Production volume grew by 23% to $1.6 billion in direct spending from 2014 to 2017, creating 32,740 jobs and contributing $2.3 billion to GDP.Every $1 million spent on tax credits creates:109 direct and spin-off FTEs $7.4 million in provincial GDP Graphic: Nordicity In addition, for every $1 spent on [...]
FilmOntario Annual General Meeting A Huge Success!
The 2018 FilmOntario Annual General Meeting, held at the Four Seasons Toronto on November 21, was another huge success. Thank you to all the members who came to the business portion of the meeting, where we discussed the year’s accomplishments. We were also pleased to welcome Jim Mirkopoulos, of Cinespace, to [...]
Breakfast at Queen’s Park
On Wednesday, October 31, the Motion Picture Association – Canada (MPA-C) and the FilmOntario Board were pleased to host an informational breakfast at Queen’s Park. In keeping with the spirit of Halloween, MPPs, including Minister of Finance Vic Fedeli and Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport Sylvia Jones, were greeted by [...]